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実施日 5月17日(日)
場所 オンライン
主催 アムネスティ日本 名古屋多文化暫定グループ(AINMG)

Freedom Toast Café: ‘How Does Climate Change Affect Human Rights?’

On Sunday 17th of May, 27 people from across Japan and abroad gathered online to participate in the Freedom Toast Café “How Does Climate Change Affect Human Rights?”, a discussion panel event to think, discuss, share experiences and points of view about the impact that the climate crisis has on human rights. The event was organized by the Nagoya Amnesty International Multicultural Group (Provisional), to be referred to as AINMG from this point, as part of its Freedom Toast Café, a series of meet-up events to talk about and learn more about human rights.

Two panellists with experience in the fields of climate change and human rights participated in the meeting: Professor Masao Takano, associate professor from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the Graduate School at Environmental Studies at Nagoya University and Ms. Marinel Sumook Ubaldo, climate change and human rights activist as well as organizer of the Philippines first climate strike.

The event was preceded by the release of a podcast on the history of climate change and human rights at the beginning of May. The podcast was realized by the Nagoya AINMG in collaboration with Dr. Evan Gach, environmental activist and academic posted to Nagoya University. This podcast is available on Rentaikan, the official podcast of Amnesty International Nagoya Multicultural Group (Provisional): https://www.buzzsprout.com/1034122 as well as other episodes in the future.

The impact of climate change on indigenous populations

Professor Takano opened the meeting with a presentation on global warming. During his years of studies, Professor Takano contended that, though climate change is a global threat, it affects some regions of the world more than others. In particular the Arctic, a region that is home to unique wildlife and indigenous populations, is particularly vulnerable to climate change.

“The warming does not occur uniformly over the world. The Arctic is the most sensitive to climate change [….] People and wild animals in the Arctic are the most vulnerable to climate change.”

The survival of indigenous populations in the Arctic is becoming more endangered as hunting, fishing, travelling and gathering become increasingly difficult due to habitat change and weather unpredictability. Coastal populations are also threatened by coastal erosion and thawing of the permafrost. Many communities and industrial facilities have been forced to move while others face greater risks every day.

Climate change makes us vulnerable

Marinel Ubaldo and her family are among those who experienced firsthand the devastating consequences of climate change. In 2013, when Marinel was only 16 years old, her village in the Philippines was destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda (also known as Typhoon Haiyan), one of the strongest typhoons ever registered in history, that claimed the lives of more than 6,000 people, injured at least 28,000, and destroyed the homes and livelihoods of millions more.

“When my village was hit by Typhoon Yolanda, I felt vulnerable. I don’t want to see this suffering ever again in my life, but for this we have to act now”

Aware that extreme natural disasters like Typhoon Yolanda would increase due to the raising of temperatures and other effects of climate change, Marinel became an environmental activist. Today, she advocates for policy change and awareness raising at community, national and international levels. In 2019, she was among the organizers of the Philippines’ first climate strike.

By introducing herself and her mission, Marinel reminded us that we can all act to demand climate justice, not only for us but for all people. Participating in strikes, silent marches and petitions are just some of the actions that we can take, together with the small or big changes that we can make in our daily lives to help fight climate change.

Just a few days before the Freedom Toast Café, the Philippines was hit by Typhoon Vongfong, and Marinel is now actively participating in the recovery efforts.

We shall be tired of being resilient

The presentations of the panellists were followed by a Q&A session and later by a group discussion during which participants were divided into two groups, each one joined at turn by one of the panellists.

The many interesting questions and the intense discussion gave us some food for thought.

In particular, why is climate change a threat to Human Rights?

The reality shows that climate change negatively affects basic Human Rights such as the right to safety, clean water, food, housing and even education since the social and economic crises that inevitably follow climate disasters, especially in already low-income countries, often forces children to drop out of school so they can find work to support their families.

Furthermore, as mentioned also by Professor Takano, the effects of climate change are not equal around the world (though the locus of Professor Takano’s concern differed to what came up during this discussion). Countries in Africa, Latin America, South East Asia, the Pacific and the remote Arctic region are more likely to be hit the hardest, exacerbating the vulnerability and poverty that these countries already experience.

Also, within the same societies, some categories of people are more vulnerable than others to the negative effects of climate change. The elderly, children and women are likely to pay the highest price in this regard.

As individuals and society what can we do?

For Professor Takano, if we want to win the battle against climate change, we need to find a common ground and cooperate at all levels of society to move forward a greener circular economy and more environmentally friendly policies. For instance, if we want to reduce the increase of temperatures and therefore CO2 emissions, we should increase the use of renewable energy rather than fossils fuels.

For her part, Marinel confessed to being “tired of being resilient”. People should not accept climate change as an inescapable future. Our primary focus should be on climate change mitigation as opposed to adapting to a ‘new normal’. The latter strategy is the option of last resort as it is at this is point when it will be too late.

Normal was not working for us

This beginning of 2020 has been marked by the global COVID-19 crisis. The lives of many of us suddenly changed, and we may wonder what the future will look like and when we will be able to get back to normal. But the question we should be asking is, ‘What is normal and do we want the normal of the future to look like the normal of the past?’ For Marinel the answer is categorical “Normal was not working for us”. The time might have arrived to shape a new future.

Message from the Panellists

“It was an amazing meeting, thank you to the Nagoya AIMCG for giving me the opportunity to be one of the panellists!! And thank you to all Japanese and Non-Japanese participants for being so active in the discussion” M.S.Ubaldo.

“We had a good discussion on climate change and human rights. Some of the participants may have been troubled that climate change does not is not a topic of great interest for people in Japan. Thus we must facilitate talks on climate change like this”. Prof. M. Takano

17th of May 2020