Following on from the first Freedom Toast Café event in Japanese on June 7th, the first English Café took place on July 21st at the AIJ office.
- なぜ、今、世界中で人権侵害がまた復活しつつあるのか
- 私たちができることは何か
- 日本で気になる人権問題
テーマは「気候変動と人権」。NPOの環境団体Climate Reality Projectのクリス・コザック氏をお招きし、気候変動による影響から、私たちの人権をどう守るのか、英語で自由にディスカッションします。
Over 20 people gathered to watch a video of Amnesty's chief researcher, Anna Neistat, speaking at an event in March when she visited Japan. Anna talked about what we can all do and how important it is that we care about what's happening for people around the world, far from our own daily lives. This is the heart of Amnesty's work, being connected and doing what we can in individual ways to protect the rights of others.
A very lively group discussion followed. It was gratifying to see how many people welcomed the chance to discuss human rights issues. We hope these events can help more people find answers for important human rights issues and what we all can do to protect human rights violations from happening.
Let us look together at what topics could be chosen for the next Cafes, as we are planning to make this series of further Café events to stimulate even more discussion and action.
If you missed this one, please come along and join us next time. Perfect English is not necessary, as long as you are enjoying a discussion in English and have an interest and willingness to share your ideas to protect human rights.
実施日 |
「英会話カフェ」2019年6月7日(木) 「ボランティアカフェ」2019年6月21日(金) |
場所 | アムネスティ日本 東京事務所 |
主催 | アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本 |