News Release
- International SecretariatUNION OF MYANMAR:Serious risk of further human rights abuses at controversial Letpadaung mine
- 3 December 2014 / Region:UNION OF MYANMAR / Topic:Business and Human Rights
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Texas must halt ‘shameful’ execution of man with severe mental disability
- 2 December 2014 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Hong Kong: Heavy-handed policing will only inflame protests
- 1 December 2014 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:
- International SecretariatUN vote boosts support for a global moratorium on the death penalty
- 29 November 2014 / Region: / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Internet freedom faces new attack as China seeks to shape global web rules
- 28 November 2014 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF INDIA:Victory for Bhopal gas leak survivors as government promises additional compensation
- 27 November 2014 / Region:REPUBLIC OF INDIA / Topic:Business and Human Rights
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES:Five years on, justice for Maguindanao massacre can’t wait
- 26 November 2014 / Region:REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA:Respect the right to peaceful demonstration in wake of Ferguson decision
- 26 November 2014 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:
- International SecretariatJAPAN:Lack of truth, justice and reparations tarnishes Japan’s image
- 25 November 2014 / Region:JAPAN / Topic:Women's Rights
- International SecretariatISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES/PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY:Killing of worshippers at synagogue an ‘abhorrent attack’
- International SecretariatSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:Syrian refugees shot at border with hundreds of thousands destitute
- 20 November 2014 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatDEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA:UN vote a crucial step to ensure perpetrators of crimes against humanity face justice
- 20 November 2014 / Region:DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA / Topic:
- International SecretariatISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA:Mauritania must end clamp down on anti-slavery activists
- 20 November 2014 / Region:ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA / Topic:
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Activist faces ‘subversion’ charge for supporting Hong Kong protests
- 20 November 2014 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA:USA should use UN hearing to address ‘shocking accountability gap’ on torture
- 17 November 2014 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:Fight Against Terrorism and Human Rights
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES:Five years later, no convictions under landmark anti-torture law
- 14 November 2014 / Region:REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF INDIA:Hollywood takes on corporate giants over Bhopal gas disaster
- 13 November 2014 / Region:REPUBLIC OF INDIA / Topic:Business and Human Rights
- International SecretariatHELLENIC REPUBLIC:Convictions following racist attack against Roma ‘first step to justice’
- 12 November 2014 / Region:HELLENIC REPUBLIC / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:APEC leaders should urge China to release supporters of Hong Kong protests
- 11 November 2014 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:
- International SecretariatUKRAINE:Shelling deaths of children playing football in Donetsk must be investigated
- 6 November 2014 / Region:UKRAINE / Topic:Regional conflict