News Release
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF THAILAND:Lèse-majesté convictions ‘an assault on freedom of expression’
- 27 February 2015 / Region:KINGDOM OF THAILAND / Topic:
- International SecretariatGlobal response to atrocities by states and armed groups ‘shameful and ineffective’
- 25 February 2015 / Region: / Topic:
- International SecretariatEuropean Commission’s announcement on migration: Right words, but no solutions
- 24 February 2015 / Region: / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatSOCIALIST PEOPLE’S LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA:Cold-blooded murder of Copts in Libya a war crime
- 21 February 2015 / Region:SOCIALIST PEOPLE’S LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA / Topic:Regional conflict
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA:Pennsylvania Governor Announces Moratorium on Executions
- 20 February 2015 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA:Guantánamo 9/11 military hearing halted after defendant claims court interpreter worked at CIA black site
- 18 February 2015 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:Fight Against Terrorism and Human Rights
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Guilty verdict in migrant domestic worker abuse trial a ‘damning indictment’ of authorities’ failure
- 16 February 2015 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:Women's Rights
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF HUNGARY:Authorities must end unprecedented crackdown on NGOs
- 13 February 2015 / Region:REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY / Topic:
- International SecretariatARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT:Confirmation of 183 death sentences ‘outrageous’
- 11 February 2015 / Region:ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatDOMINICAN REPUBLIC:no more hope for tens of thousands stateless and at risk of expulsion if residence deadline expires
- 9 February 2015 / Region:DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatUNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND:UK must end cover-up of Diego Garcia interrogations
- 6 February 2015 / Region:UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND / Topic:Fight Against Terrorism and Human Rights
- International SecretariatHASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN:Killing of Jordanian pilot ‘abhorrent’ but ‘revenge executions’ not the answer
- 5 February 2015 / Region:HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN / Topic:
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH:Excessive police force not the answer to horrific petrol bomb attacks
- 4 February 2015 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNION OF MYANMAR:Freedom for all prisoners of conscience must follow activist’s release
- 2 February 2015 / Region:UNION OF MYANMAR / Topic:Individual at risk
- International SecretariatFRENCH REPUBLIC:Newly announced “anti-terror measures” put human rights at risk
- 30 January 2015 / Region:FRENCH REPUBLIC / Topic:
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:Law on ‘undesirable organizations’ will further tighten the noose on dissent
- 27 January 2015 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF INDONESIA:First executions under new president retrograde step for rights
- 25 January 2015 / Region:REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF UGANDA:Impending transfer of suspected LRA commander to ICC offers opportunity for justice
- 21 January 2015 / Region:REPUBLIC OF UGANDA / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE: Forced evictions must stop immediately
- 20 January 2015 / Region:REPUBLIC OF ZIMBABWE / Topic:Forced Eviction
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA:Flogging of Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia ‘vicious act of cruelty’
- 19 January 2015 / Region:KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA / Topic:Individual at risk