News Release
- International SecretariatMALAYSIA:Scores of arrests point to escalating crackdown
- 30 March 2015 / Region:MALAYSIA / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED MEXICAN STATES:Torture victim released after two decades behind bars
- 27 March 2015 / Region:UNITED MEXICAN STATES / Topic:
- International SecretariatISRAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN:Scrap death sentence for juvenile offender to prove UN review more than a ‘PR stunt’
- 26 March 2015 / Region:ISRAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:83% of lights out after four years of crisis
- 25 March 2015 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:Regional conflict
- International SecretariatUNION OF MYANMAR:Violent police crackdown against protesters must end
- 25 March 2015 / Region:UNION OF MYANMAR / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED MEXICAN STATES:Mexico must face up and investigate widespread torture after scathing UN report
- 20 March 2015 / Region:UNITED MEXICAN STATES / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF TUNISIA:Deadly assault in Tunis shows utter disregard for life
- 20 March 2015 / Region:REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA / Topic:
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Drop charges against five women detained for campaigning against sexual harassment
- 19 March 2015 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:Women's Rights
- International SecretariatSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:Syria: Evidence of a fresh war crime as chlorine gas attack kills entire family
- 19 March 2015 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:
- International SecretariatISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN:Thousands at risk of execution after Pakistan’s ‘shameful retreat to the gallows’
- 18 March 2015 / Region:ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatSLOVAK REPUBLIC: Justice still pending for Romani boys abused at police station in 2009
- 18 March 2015 / Region:SLOVAK REPUBLIC / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- International SecretariatARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT:Egypt carries out first execution of Morsi supporter following controversial trial
- 13 March 2015 / Region:ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatKINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA:Three more executions add to unprecedented spike in death penalty
- 12 March 2015 / Region:KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatISRAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN:Man forcibly blinded in one eye in 'unspeakably cruel' retribution punishment
- 11 March 2015 / Region:ISRAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNION OF MYANMAR:Scrap ‘race and religion laws’ that could fuel discrimination and violence
- 11 March 2015 / Region:UNION OF MYANMAR / Topic:
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Draconian anti-terror law an assault on human rights
- 9 March 2015 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED ARAB EMIRATES:UAE Three women held in secret detention over tweets
- 5 March 2015 / Region:UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Topic:Individual at risk
- International SecretariatUNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND:Northern Ireland: Draconian Abortion Law Harshest in Europe
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF YEMEN:Peaceful protesters targets of Huthis’ disturbing ‘torture-tactics’
- 5 March 2015 / Region:REPUBLIC OF YEMEN / Topic:
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:Murder of Boris Nemtsov must be meaningfully investigated
- 2 March 2015 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic: