News Release
- AUSTRALIA:Indefinite detention harms asylum seekers’ mental health
- 27 February 2012 / Region:AUSTRALIA / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:Syria vote increases Russia’s isolation
- 23 February 2012 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic:Year of Rebellion Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
- International SecretariatArms trade talks: Political chess games at UN risk millions of lives
- 22 February 2012 / Region: / Topic:Arms Trade Treaty
- PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:China urged to avoid forced repatriation of 21 North Koreans
- 17 February 2012 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:Refugees and Migrants
- 13 February 2012 / Region:ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES/PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:Brutal assault on Homs must end
- 10 February 2012 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:Year of Rebellion Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
- International SecretariatSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:Double veto of draft Security Council Resolution on Syria a "betrayal" of protesters
- 6 February 2012 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:Year of Rebellion Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
- REPUBLIC OF KOREA:South Korea must release activist charged over Kim Jong-il tweet
- 6 February 2012 / Region:REPUBLIC OF KOREA / Topic:Individual at risk
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:Russia must not block efforts to end atrocities in Syria
- 3 February 2012 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic:Year of Rebellion Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
- PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:China must avoid excessive force in response to Tibetan protests
- 30 January 2012 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- FRENCH REPUBLIC:‘Armenian genocide’ bill threatens freedom of expression
- 27 January 2012 / Region:FRENCH REPUBLIC / Topic:International human rights law
- MONGOLIA:ongolia takes ‘vital step forward’ in abolishing the death penalty
- 25 January 2012 / Region:MONGOLIA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- SLOVAK REPUBLIC:Slovak court rules against segregation in education
- 23 January 2012 / Region:SLOVAK REPUBLIC / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA:Nigeria urged to end police attacks on fuel protesters
- 18 January 2012 / Region:FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA / Topic:International human rights law
- UNION OF MYANMAR:Political prisoner release 'major step’ but gates must open 'even wider'
- 16 January 2012 / Region:UNION OF MYANMAR / Topic:
- PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:China must reveal whereabouts of Uighur children detained after deadly clash
- 13 January 2012 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:Indigenous people Minority group
- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:A Decade of Damage to Human Rights
- 12 January 2012 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:
- SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:Syria imposes death penalty for arming “terrorists” as death toll soars
- 28 December 2011 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:Year of Rebellion Human rights in the Middle East and North Africa
- REPUBLIC OF INDIA:Letter regarding expansion of alumina refinery in Lanjigarh in Orissa
- 27 December 2011 / Region:REPUBLIC OF INDIA / Topic:International human rights law
- DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA:North Korea: Kim Jong-il’s death could be opportunity for human rights
- 20 December 2011 / Region:DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA / Topic: