News Release
- International SecretariatARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT:More than 500 sentenced to death in ‘grotesque’ ruling
- 26 March 2014 / Region:ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatBOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA:Death toll will keep rising unless all sides commit to human rights
- 20 March 2014 / Region:BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA / Topic:
- International SecretariatUKRAINE:OSCE Monitoring Mission needed to calm tensions and prevent further human rights violations
- 13 March 2014 / Region:UKRAINE / Topic:Regional conflict
- International SecretariatCENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:New humanitarian crisis for those fleeing violence in CAR
- 12 March 2014 / Region:CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Topic:Regional conflict
- International SecretariatSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:Yarmouk under siege---a horror story of war crimes, starvation and death
- 11 March 2014 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:Regional conflict
- International SecretariatUKRAINE:Ukraine must prosecute the perpetrators of demonstration deaths
- 4 March 2014 / Region:UKRAINE / Topic:
- International SecretariatISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES/PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY: ‘Trigger-happy’ Israeli army and police use reckless force in the West Bank
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF UGANDA:President Museveni Signs Anti-Homosexuality Bill
- 25 February 2014 / Region:REPUBLIC OF UGANDA / Topic:Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity
- International SecretariatSYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC:UN Security Council must not fail Syria’s besieged civilians again
- 25 February 2014 / Region:SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / Topic:
- International SecretariatUKRAINE:Deeply troubling accounts of shootings amid clashes
- 24 February 2014 / Region:UKRAINE / Topic:
- International SecretariatCENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:Ethnic Cleansing and Sectarian Killings
- 22 February 2014 / Region:CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Topic:
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:Nine new arrests near Sochi Olympics include Pussy Riot activists
- 20 February 2014 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic:
- International SecretariatUNITED STATES OF AMERICA:momentum against death penalty continues as Washington State governor announces moratorium on executions
- 19 February 2014 / Region:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Topic:Abolition of the Death Penalty
- International SecretariatCENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:Girl found amongst dead bodies after village massacre
- 18 February 2014 / Region:CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Topic:
- International SecretariatDEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA:UN Security Council must act on crimes against humanity
- 18 February 2014 / Region:DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA / Topic:International human rights law
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:IOC called to uphold human rights
- 13 February 2014 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic:
- International SecretariatREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES:Officers in secret police detention cell play ‘torture roulette’ with inmates.
- 13 February 2014 / Region:REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES / Topic:
- International SecretariatRUSSIAN FEDERATION:Platon Lebedev release welcome but falls short of justice
- 30 January 2014 / Region:RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Topic:
- International SecretariatPEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA:Xu Zhiyong four year jail sentence “shameful”
- 30 January 2014 / Region:PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA / Topic:
- International SecretariatJAPAN:NHK chief’s sexual slavery comments an “insult”
- 27 January 2014 / Region:JAPAN / Topic:Women's Rights